Services We Provide/Specialize In:
Smoke, Fire & Water Garment Restoration
Laundry-Wash & Fold, Household items & General Garments Cleaning
Dry Cleaning
Shoe & Accessory Cleaning Service- including shoes, boots, purses, handbags, belts, luggage, stuffed toys, deco pillows & much more
Window Treatments- Fabric/Vertical Blinds, Drapes/Curtains, Cornice Boards & Valences
Furs, Leathers & Suedes
Oriental & General Rug Cleaning
Pickup & Delivery Service- Monday/Thursdays
Secure Climate-Controlled Onsite Storage
Wedding Gown Cleaning & Preservation
High School Marching Band/Choir Uniforms

Our Commitment to Customer Care, Quality of Service, & Cost Effectiveness sets us apart from other restoration companies as an industry leader.
OHM provides the efficiency of a large corporation, with the Personable Service & Quality of a Small, Family-Operated Business. From Our Attentive Service Representatives, whom respond promptly to customers in their time of need, to the Cleaning & Restoration Professionals at our facility based in Roseville. The OHM Team is committed to Restoring your Personal Property and Providing a Peace of Mind.